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The Roses are BACK


When the Loyola Gardens were renovated several years back, the ancient rose bushes were removed. Many retreatants have been very impressed with the beautiful renovation but still missed the roses. This last Saturday during our gardening morning, we brought roses back to Loyola Gardens. We could not hope to replace the ancient ones since at least one of them had been planted in 1948, we think, but the new roses add a glorious burst of color to the gardens.

After planting the roses, our sturdy gardening crew turned its attention to planting native grasses in the Lourdes Grotto area. An entire family that showed up began transplanting the seed trays that give us the native grasses and setting out new seed trays with poppies and lupine. It was a delightful and productive morning capped by lunch prepared by our kitchen staff. Thank you to all the helpers!

Fr. John Auther, SJ is a Jesuit for 42 years and a priest for almost 30 years. In his pastoral ministry he has devoted a good deal of time to Spanish-speaking work, detention facilities and retreats. He began working at JRC in January 2020.



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