I love stories about time travel and reading all the scientific reasons why it can or cannot happen. Most physicists agree that time travel is not possible because apparently there must be an unending source of energy to fuel speed faster than light and there just isn’t. If anyone could travel faster than light, then the only movement is forward in time and time travelers would be stuck in the future.
(If you’re a scientist or have a bent in that direction, please don’t email me about any erroneous statements that I might have made, I’m getting most of my immediate information from an internet search.)
Although science says traveling back in time is impossible, The Jesuit Retreat Center says otherwise. Pat Clough, a writer living in Palo Alto, CA, a second-year student in the Pierre Favre program, and a frequent retreatant is inviting us to take a trip to the first 100 years of the Retreat Center.
With wing spans of six feet and featherless heads, turkey vultures often distract retreatants at The Jesuit Retreat Center in Los Altos… They’ve been there since 1925 along with the hawks and golden eagles as if they were curious and knew they were to be part of an unfolding story. The Jesuits had found a home for a retreat center almost one hundred years ago.
How did (The Jesuit Retreat Center) evolve? Who were the people? What are their stories?
Pat will be telling their stories in a special Centennial series that will appear in the revived JRC newsletter. She invites everyone to journey with her as she tells the stories of “the people who had vision, and who were steeped in the legacy of St. Ignatius.”
Watch your inbox for the newsletter and Pat’s series. This promises to be a very intriguing trip back in time. And it’s free.