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End of 2021


Here we are at the end of another year. But just like other year ends, as I look back and take stock of the previous 12 months, there were ups and downs, successes and disappointments. Perhaps those seemed more amplified in 2021 as we came into the year with such high expectations for change. But after looking back and remembering what went well and not so well, I hope we can look at all that transpired and enter into 2022 with intentions to increase the love, hope and faith in our lives.

All the good that has come out of the JRC is the result of so much hard work by so many and much of this work goes on behind the scenes. Thanks so much to the housekeeping, facility and kitchen staff who keep the retreatants fed and our spaces tidy, they have endured many changes and have rolled with it all gracefully. Thank you to our administrative staff, Rosemary, Dyane, Angela and Pooja for keeping the business of the retreat center going and adapting to changes in how their work gets done. They have seamlessly adjusted to new ways to complete their jobs. Thank you to our pastoral staff, Father Kevin, Father John and Father Andrew. They have kept our retreats going during 2021 by putting them on both in person and online, you have connected with people far and wide! Of course very big thanks to our board, committee members, volunteers and donors who love the center and give so generously of their time and treasure. And a very large shout out to our leader Father Chi, your work for the JRC has been above and beyond, truly we are blessed to have you at the helm. Please know all your work is so appreciated.

I wish the best to all of you in 2022.

Kim Manca

JRC Board Chair



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