After a hundred years, The Jesuit Retreat Center of Los Altos is celebrating the first Mass, the first retreat and, for the first time, a Spring Gala will honor a well-respected Jesuit known throughout the world.
Centennial Spring begins by commemorating the first Mass on March 15 with a Morning Mass celebrated by Bishop Oscar Cantú of the San Jose Diocese, and the Afternoon Mass celebrated by Fr. Sean O. Carroll, S.J., Jesuits West Provincial. Former Governor Jerry Brown, who has fond memories of attending retreats as a teen, will give the Keynote Speech.
Palm Sunday Weekend is a time to be silent and prepare your heart and mind for the Passion and Resurrection of Jesus. There will be reflection on the final week of His earthly ministry – from His entry into Jerusalem to His last day on earth. Spend Palm Sunday Weekend in silent prayer saying “yes” to God.
Attending the Palm Sunday Retreat is also engaging in an important historical touchstone for The Jesuit Retreat Center. Conception became a reality 100 years ago when the Jesuit Western Province founded El Retiro San Iñigo and the Catholic Laymen’s Retreat Association had a permanent home.
The Catholic Laymen’s Retreat Association had been gathering at different locations since being formed in 1896. In 1911, they moved to O’Connor Hall at the University of Santa Clara where discussions began with the Jesuits about finding a permanent retreat center.
In 1924, Father Provincial Joseph Piet, S.J., a staunch supporter of the laymen’s retreats, assigned Father Joseph Stack, S.J., a frequent retreat director for the laymen’s association, to search for a suitable property.
The search was over when Rev. Stack discovered the Wellman property that became El Retiro San Iñigo. The existing buildings were adapted for retreatants and a temporary chapel was designed out of a billiard room.
Imagine Rev. Stack’s joy when the doors opened for the first El Retiro San Iñigo retreat on April 16, 1925.
Imagine attending a retreat where you celebrate Christ’s triumphant entry into Jerusalem. Imagine going back in time and experiencing that same excitement when the doors were opened for the first retreat. Imagine being part of the first retreat that begins the second 100 years of The Jesuit Retreat Center.
Through the years, different monikers have been given to The Jesuit Retreat Center. “Sacred space “and simply “El Retiro” to name a few. Fr. Greg Boyle, S.J., fondly refers to the Retreat Center as “a school of tenderness.”
Speaking of Fr. Greg, May 22 marks the festive First Annual- San Iñigo Award Soirée Benefit honoring him for founding Homeboys Inc., and for receiving such accolades as the Presidential Medal of Freedom but also for his kindness and his great love of people who have no voice in the world.
For more information about the Centennial Mass Celebration and the San Iñigo Award Soirée Benefit, visit The Jesuit Retreat Center. To register for Palm Sunday Weekend, visit 100th Anniversary Retreat or click Palm Sunday for the more information