A very special group of friends of the Jesuit Retreat Center will gather on February 23.
The Inaugural El Retiro Society Mass and Dinner will be held February 23. Festivities will include unveiling the Founding Members Plaque located near the Retreat Center Grotto.
The Mass and Dinner is a free event that is open to El Retiro Society members only. The good news is that anyone may join. More good news is that joining is free.
The El Retiro Society is a group of supporters who intend to remember the Retreat Center in their estate planning. Joining involves no dues, or obligations and allows us to thank and recognize members as well as inspire future generations. You need not be wealthy to leave a legacy gift that ensures the sustainability of the Retreat Center. Generations to come will benefit from your generosity and your support of our mission will be long remembered and serve as an inspiration to others.
El Retiro Benefits include:
• Being honored now for the plans you have made.
• An invitation to the Annual Mass and Dinner or Brunch.
• Recognition in our El Retiro Society Honor Roll (unless you choose to be anonymous).
• A connection to other El Retiro Society members who support JRC in the present and future.
• The satisfaction from making a lasting contribution to our long-term growth of the Retreat Center.
Simply download and complete the Intention Form, which is not a legal contract and is nonbinding but makes the Retreat Center aware of your plans. You may also download the El Retiro Society Brochure or visit El Retiro Society.
Anyone interested in attending the El Retiro Society Mass and Dinner should return the Intention Form by February 16.
For more information about joining the El Retiro Society, contact Dyane Hendricks at dhendricks@jrclosaltos.org
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