Online Retreat Resources
Welcome to what we are offering for those who cannot join us for our programs or just prefer to sample our online programs. First, let’s present the one resource that we have in Spanish at this moment and then the rest of this page will be in English.
Queremos ofrecerles la oportunidad de participar en un retiro para todos nosotros aislados a causa del virus. Se llama el Retiro de la Cuarentena. Hasta ahorita es el único programa que tenemos en el español pero les avisaremos cuando haya otros. Es un retiro con videos y con hojas para meditar y se puede encontrarlo haciendo el clic aquí.
Here are a list and an explanation of the programs that we are offering online:
1) The Quarantine Retreat: this retreat consists of 16 ten-minute videos with each video accompanied by a page with material to meditate upon for 45 minutes to an hour. One can make the material into an 8-day retreat or a two-week retreat depending how fast one goes through the videos and prayer sheets. This retreat can be accessed by clicking here. There are also accompanying handouts for the 16 videos. Click here for the handouts.
2) Finding God in all Things: a thirty-day program of 5-minute long PowerPoint videos. Each video ends with a 5-minute exercise to deepen the experience of the video. An important recommendation for incorporating the experience of the video and the exercise into the routine of one’s daily life is explained on the last slide. The goal of this series is that, by the end of thirty days, a person will be able to use key themes of Ignatian spirituality to find God all day every day. If you are interested, please click here.

3) Contemplative Prayer Practicum: in separate series of videos, we are guided through a week of praying with different methods of contemplative prayer. The videos introduce the method, guide us through the preparation for the practice of the method and provide a short 15-20 minute experience of praying with the method. As the week progresses, the video leaves less support for the method until we are able to use the method by ourselves. Beginning with a week with the method recommended by St. Teresa of Avila to her sisters, then following with St. Ignatius’ Three Ways of Praying, and continuing on with five other methods, the Practicum will help us to find and settle into a method that is appropriate for the different temperaments and abilities of those of us drawn to Contemplative Prayer. Some of us may find the method that we like early in the series and stop there; others may continue through the whole series. This time of social distancing may be just the opportunity we have been longing for to enter more deeply into the relationship with God that Contemplative Prayer offers. If you are interested, click here.
4) Examen: Fr. Andrew offers us four PowerPoint videos guiding us through the Examen for this time. If you sometimes have a difficulty in praying the examen or in doing it well, these videos will guide through the examen in very helpful ways. If you are interested, please click here.
5) Stations of the Cross: incorporating footage of the Stations of the Cross at our Retreat Center, this video guides us through meditations on each station focusing on those who suffer most in our world and on the call of Christ to engage in making the world better. If you are interested in this timely way of praying the Stations, please click here.
6) Post-Retreat Prayer Exercises: a three-month program to help those who have made the thirty-day Exercises or the 19thAnnotation Retreat to deepen their understanding of Ignatian spirituality and to continue to pray regularly. Twelve sets of material are given for one-week of prayer. The form of prayer is more the style of Lectio Divina and the material is drawn from Scriptural and non-Scriptural sources. Anyone will benefit from this program but it is geared especially for those feeling a need to continue the wonderful lessons and practice of their time with the Exercises. If you are interested, please click here.